

Breakthrough PTSD and Trauma Treatment

Scientifically proven with over 90% success rate without medication or re-living the trauma

John Patrick Barrett

I am a retired N.Y.C. Police Officer who was shot in the line of duty, March 21, 1984. After four visits all my PTSD symptoms ceased.

Client 3209

This has been awesome! The change is like night and day. I am now able to walk in dark rooms by myself. Now I am alert yet not hypervigilant.

Client 4005

After RTM I feel normal again. A huge weight has been lifted. It’s amazing.

Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM)

Eliminates the symptoms of PTSD in over 90% of those treated
No medication required
No re-living the traumatic memories
A safe and comfortable psychological procedure
Completed in 3-6 treatments

W  H  A  T

What is RTM?


What Results Does RTM Provide?

W  H  O

Who Is This Treatment Program For?


How Does The Neurological Process Work?

UK Success Stories

Testimonials from clients who worked with Certified RTM Practitioner, Alan Ross.

PC Leigh Matthews
Thames Valley Police

For me this RTM works.
I can recommend this whole heartedly.

PC Stephen Mitchell
Thames Valley Police

It was the most effective piece of treatment I have ever had.

Diana Johnson
Former Police Officer

I had a series of terrible events happen last year in the space of a very short time and it left me struggling and with trauma symptoms. I was struggling to cope, I constantly thought of what had occurred, I couldn't speak about the event without crying and I was struggling to sleep.

The therapy was amazing and it really worked.

Well it has massively helped me and it started to work from my very first session. By the end of the treatment I could talk about the events I'd been through and had no adverse reaction. I also was sleeping at night and my stress reactions had greatly reduced so the trauma was no longer affecting me in the same way as before.

Since the therapy I have become much more balanced and happier and I have been finally able to move forward with my life. I highly recommend it as Alan has changed my life.

Evidence-based Procedure, Scientifically Proven

The protocol has been rigorously tested under the strict scientific scrutiny of Independent Review Boards (Copernicus, Duke University) and Peer Reviewed Professional Journal publications. Over 90% of the 160 veterans in the studies who received the RTM treatment had complete cessation of flashbacks, nightmares and the emotional problems related to their traumatic memories. Results of the pilot study were successfully replicated in three additional studies with further research on-going.

Proven Change At The Neurological Level

Jeffrey David Lewine, PhD, Professor of Translational Neuroscience at The Mind Research Network in New Mexico has been using brain imaging studies to explore the neuro-biology of PTSD and how the RTM helps normalize brain-behaviour relationships.

These are the before and after brain scans showing a sample of Dr Lewine’s initial pilot results. The dark reds & blues on the left are Pre RTM-Treatment scans showing a PTSD abnormality. They have completely disappeared in the Post Treatment scans taken 5 days after treatment.

Internationally Recognised As An Effective Treatment for PTSD

The RTM Protocol has been included in The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies’ (ISTSS) 2019 book, “Effective Treatments for PTSD”. The ISTSS is regarded as the premier forum for trauma around the world.

“The Research and Recognition Project has developed a behavioral treatment for PTSD named RTM that has shown high rates of symptom reduction (PSS-I) and loss of diagnosis in complex military PTSD. It was recently reviewed in Kitchiner et al. and found to be one of only two of the treatments examined to meet their efficacy criterion for consideration as effective for treating military PTSD”.

Source: 2019 ISTSS Conference

US Senate Support

Senator John Bonacic, New York State Senate

We have a breakthrough with how we treat people with Post traumatic stress.

Senator Thomas O'Mara, New York State Senate

I am a true believer in this program (RTM).

Push For National Adoption In the US Military 

"RESOLVED, By The American Legion in National Convention assembled in Phoenix, Arizona, August 31, September 1, 2, 2021, That The American Legion urge the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense to offer the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM) Protocol as a treatment option for veterans and active-duty military suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)..."

UK Research Study At King's College

King's College London has been awarded £318,114 from Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) to undertake a randomised control trial of RTM for ex-Service personnel with PTSD.

Most Effective PTSD Treatment Available Today

This graph shows the results of the first three post-pilot RTM studies as compared with evidence-based treatments currently approved and used by the VA and Army. As you can see from the blue lines, which represent the percentage of patients who experience a remission in PTSD symptoms, the RTM studies produced from 70-90% remission compared to other treatment methods which produced 20-49% (based on the PSS-I measurement scale).

US Success Stories

Testimonials directly from the clients who participated in the research studies for the RTM protocol conducted by the Research And Recognition Project, the research arm of RTM.

Client 3220

The fear, anger and frustration that haunted me for years are now gone. Most importantly I no longer waking up sweating from the nightmares which were affecting my marriage and relationships with my kids due to sleep deprivation and feeling powerless.

Client 3223

I can’t say that I’m 100% cured but I am happy and functional. I don’t have to live in a bubble anymore and keep my family isolated because of the fear of the unknown and the evils that lurk around every corner. I am no longer captive to my past or a victim.

Client 3219

I would like to thank the Blue Angels Foundation for helping to make the RTM treatment possible. I no longer have the nightmares or flashbacks. I was very skeptical but finally, I decided to try it out, and now the only regret I have is not doing RTM sooner. Thank you for giving me a happier life. I will forever be thankful.


Safe, Comfortable & Non-Traumatising


What Will I Be Doing During The Treatment?

The focus of RTM is to separate the traumatic feelings from the memories using a relaxed visualisation process.  Clients are guided to dissociate themselves from the traumatic memory and while separated from feelings of fear, terror or helplessness, make changes, so that the memory no longer signals fight, flight or danger. 

Sessions are clinician-led during which the client sits in a comfortable chair and visualises pictures on an imagined movie screen in a way that separates the traumatic memories from the traumatic feelings. 

Over 3-6 individual therapy sessions:

Welcome To The Program

We are looking forward to meeting you and seeing if this program is right for you. We are awaiting your application!

100% Online

Experienced Psychotherapist & Certified RTM Practitioner

Program fee

Zero-risk Guarantee

What is included
Enrolment & Treatment Process

If you are interested in treatment, please make an application to the Program.

After submitting your application you will be invited for a FREE 30-minute Initial Consultation conducted online via Zoom. Here we will discuss your case, determine if RTM is the right treatment for you and answer any of your questions. No obligation.

Before starting the treatment we conduct a full Post-Traumatic Stress Assessment. Here we examine in detail all of the symptoms you are experiencing to anticipate the potential effects of the RTM treatments.

Most clients require 3-6 treatments to attain the results they want. There is a minimum requirement of 3 treatments.

The Post-treatment Assessment is conducted 2-4 weeks after the final treatment. We use the same questionnaire as the Pre-Treatment Assessment so we can evaluate the results of your Treatment Program.